School Visits
Want a Published Children's book Author to visit your school?
Troy has conducted dozens of school vsitis all around the world educating kids on how books are published and sharing his unique and amazing picture books.
Troy has the unique advantage of being both Author and Illustrator (Photographer) for his books, but also publisher his first and succesfull Children's Picture Book "Sorry Wally".
Troy's books are also unique in that his books carry and strong moral there and able to discuss the moral issues of his book. Sorry Wally is based on Bullying and this very relevant and prevalent issue can also be discussed in the context of a book reading that involves the kids and then able to identify and discuss the issue.
Troy's second book Kind Wally is about the ocean and plastic waste and this important issue can be discussed within the visit as well.
Troy has physical items that he uses to show the publishing process as well as videos taken underwater with Troy and animals that show the process of actually getting the images for the books.
Troy has conducted visits with large and small school groups. Troy will soon be based in Western Australia, but can visit anywhere.
Troy believes in the importance in reading & literacy as well as the moral issues within his books. He has his own Literacy Charity & asks for donations to his fund rather than charging for his visits.
Troy Has a Blue Card for Working With Children in Western Australia and has no issues that would preclude him from safely conducting school visits or activities with children.
If you would like Troy To visit your school you can contact Troy here.